Find the COURAGE to say YES! to... Being... Doing... Having... Feeling... Dreaming... Believing... Wanting... Creating... Loving... Nurturing... Growing... With Emotional Freedom Techniques
Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over and whispers, “Grow, grow.”
~The Talmud
What Clients Are Saying…
“I knew a little bit about ‘tapping’ when I started my sessions with Melanie. I was curious to experience this modality of working. As a therapist, I’m always looking at ways in which to harvest emotions and work with them. I was surprised at how quickly we got to the heart of what was upsetting me. It was like zooming in on the core of distress, revealing to me how I was (and this is true of course!) carrying this pain from the past that no longer applied to today. Mel was so loving and gentle, and at the same time, did not shy away from leading me to the difficult place. Some people are gifted healers, whether by nature or by their own healing process. I think Mel is both. ”
“As an EFT trainer and practitioner myself, I’m quite picky but Melanie is someone I trust deeply! She has a natural gift and intuitive ability! I worked with her over the phone to release procrastination around writing my book. I had been in a cycle of self-sabotage for 6 months, so she didn’t dilly dally on surface issues, but dove right to the root cause: fear of judgment. In about 30 minutes of using EFT tapping on anxiety and procrastination, I felt motivated and eager to start writing. Wow. Her non-judgmental energy made me feel safe opening up about trauma and “shameful” feelings. I appreciated that we could laugh at the blocks that were surfacing! An update: I wrote half the book in one weekend. When I had resistance pop up, it quickly dissipated as I returned to the shifts in our session. Her insights were warm and compassionate as if she was gently reminding me of the truth of who I am. Melanie will definitely be in the acknowledgments page of my FINISHED book! ”
— - Jackie, Los Angeles, EFT Trainer and Energy Psychology Practitioner